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APAE - Jundiaí

Divulgação do Trabalho - Congresso Internacional

Os bons resultados obtidos estimularam a EINA a submeter um resumo do trabalho para apresentação na 5th Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, que se realizou em San Francisco em abril de 1998. O trabalho foi selecionado por uma comissão de neurocientistas internacionais e despertou o interesse de inúmeros participantes.

Computer diagnosing and teaching of the brain impaired children

Many pathologies are cause of brain impairment in children. Also, lesion distribution is distinct for different children even if the same pathology is considered, Teaching the diseabled children requires, therefore, the correct identification of the neural impairment and the choice of the right teaching program for each child. Enscer is a computer system that uses a set of programable educational games to test and teach defined concepts to diseabled children. The student performance during the learning sessions is recorded for future analysis. EEG may also be recorded on line to game playing to study the brain activiy during the concept learning.

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Divulgações do Trabalho

Ressonância Magnética

Relatório do Mapeamento Cerebral

:: ENSCER - Ensinando o Cérebro :: 2024 ::